Curiosity and Inquiry

Lillian Bernard
2 min readSep 22, 2020

My main take-away from the video was that an important step to inquiry is learning to ask questions and not to be afraid of learning in a different way. Some of the questions that went through my mind were how do you go about learning of a new topic yourself, and what kind of questions should you be asking? I think curiosity and inquiry has helped me learn by shaping my learning and my interests in school.

I believe I am a curious person, I like to ask questions and further my understanding of topics that I find interesting. I am also a very visual learner as I like to be able to picture or visualize what I am learning in a detailed way. When it comes to whether I am intrinsically or extrinsically motivated, I think it depends on what I am learning about, if it is something I want to learn about I am more intrinsically motivated than extrinsically motivated. My feelings about education have definitely changed over time, I used to dislike learning however now I enjoy expanding my views and thoughts throughout learning. What role has your family played in shaping your views of education? My family has definitely played a role in shaping my view on education, they have always believed that education is important and brings opportunities. My teachers/educators have played a role in shaping my view on education as I have had some teachers in the past who were pessimistic and discouraging when it came to education. However, luckily I also remember having many encouraging teachers in school as well that sparked my interest in learning.

